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ggrepel 0.9.5

CRAN release: 2024-01-10


ggrepel 0.9.4

CRAN release: 2023-10-12


  • Add min.segment.length to the options table in the examples page, thanks to @jwhendy for mentioning this.

  • Add example for how to use ggrepel with sf objects, i.e. geom_text_repel(..., stat = "sf_coordinates"), thanks to @francisbarton for pull request 236.

  • Use expect_equal(x, y) instead of expect_true(identical(x, y)), see issue 242 for details.

ggrepel 0.9.3

CRAN release: 2023-02-03

Bug fixes

  • When we set the seed in ggrepel::geom_text_repel(seed = 1), this will no longer override the seed for other unrelated code. Thanks to @kassambara for reporting this in issue 228.

ggrepel 0.9.2

CRAN release: 2022-11-06

Bug fixes

  • Fix compiler errors for C++ expressions like v[i] = {0,0} that arise for some versions of the clang compiler. Thanks to @Krascal and @vrognas for reporting this in issue 184.
  • Fix warning from CRAN warning: use of bitwise '&' with boolean operands


ggrepel 0.9.1 2021-01-09

CRAN release: 2021-01-15

Bug fixes

  • Fix label positions (only for geom_label_repel()). The same plot would look OK with ggrepel 0.8.2, but incorrect with ggrepel 0.9.0. Thanks to Ben Baumer (@beanumber) for reporting this in issue 182.
  • Fix a bug that caused R to crash (only on Windows, not on Linux or macOS) for some specific code examples. Thanks to Pedro Aphalo (@aphalo) for reporting this in issue 179 and for testing the patched code.

ggrepel 0.9.0 2020-12-14

CRAN release: 2020-12-16


  • Points can be different sizes. Repel text labels from large points and small points. New examples in the vignette show how to do this. See discussion about this feature in issue 83.
  • New parameter max.overlaps stops ggrepel from trying to label overcrowded data points. The default setting is max.overlaps = 10, so text labels that overlap more than 10 things (points or labels) will be excluded from further calculations and rendering. Of course, we can set max.overlaps = Inf to restore the behavior in ggrepel 0.8.1. See [issue 48] for more discussion. We can also use option(ggrepel.max.overlaps = Inf) to disable this new functionality and display all labels, regardless of too many overlaps.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Put text labels on top of all line segments (@kiendang). This fixes issue 35, where line segments sometimes appear on top of text.
  • Thanks to Paul Murrell (@pmur002) for notifying us to use is.unit(x) instead of class(x) == "unit" in issue 141. This should future-proof ggrepel for new versions of the grid package.
  • Fix the way xlim = c(-Inf, Inf) is treated. Thanks to @thomasp85 for pointing out the bug in issue 136.
  • Add new segment options. Thanks to @krassowski for adding this feature with pull request 151.
    • segment.shape
    • segment.square
    • segment.squareShape
    • segment.inflect

ggrepel 0.8.1 2019-05-07

CRAN release: 2019-05-07

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix heap buffer overflow that causes R to crash. See issue 115. Thanks to Brodie Gaslam (@brodieG) for helping me to setup an environment to reproduce the bug on my own system.

ggrepel 0.8.0 2018-05-09

CRAN release: 2018-05-09

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix geom_label_repel(..., point.padding=NA). Reported by @mlell in issue 104.

ggrepel 0.7.3 2018-02-09


ggrepel 0.7.2 2018-01-14

Bug fixes and improvements

Thanks to @AliciaSchep and @aphalo

  • Fix warning about hjust. See issue 93.

  • Fix bug when subset of points is labeled in geom_label_repel. See issue 92.

ggrepel 0.7.1 2017-11-18


Thanks to @AliciaSchep

  • Add support for hjust and vjust parameters. See issue 69. Also see new examples in the vignette.

  • Add code to avoid intersecting line segments. See issue 34.

ggrepel 0.7.0 2017-09-28

CRAN release: 2017-09-29

Bug fixes

  • Fix intersection between lines and rectangles, to reproduce the same aesthetically pleasant behavior as in version 0.6.5.

    This is an improvement on the sloppy implementation introduced in 0.6.8. See commit 28633d for more information.

ggrepel 0.6.12 2017-07-16


  • Reproduce identical plots by using seed = 1 to set the seed in geom_text_repel() or geom_label_repel(). By default, no seed will be set.

    This is an improvement on the sloppy implementation introduced in 0.6.2. See issue 33 and issue 73 for more discussion of this feature. Thanks to Pierre Gramme for reminding me about this via email.

ggrepel 0.6.11 2017-07-08


Thanks to @seaaan

  • Allow certain parameters to be passed as numbers or unit() instead of only units. See issue 79.

ggrepel 0.6.10 2017-03-07

Bug fixes

Thanks to @zkamvar

  • Fix the crash for plots that do not specify xlim or ylim. See pull 74.

ggrepel 0.6.9 2017-03-07

Bug fixes

  • Fix the crash for plots with facet_wrap or facet_grid that have no labeled points. Thanks to @pcroteau for pull 70.

ggrepel 0.6.8 2017-02-12


ggrepel 0.6.7 2017-01-09


ggrepel 0.6.6 2016-11-28

Bug fixes

ggrepel 0.6.5 2016-11-22

CRAN release: 2016-11-24


Thanks to @jiho for these:

  • changed alpha in geom_label_repel() to control text, label background, label border, and segment.

  • Allow segment.colour as well as segment.color.

  • By default, map text color and text alpha to the segment color unless they are overridden.

  • Call scales::alpha() instead of alpha().

ggrepel 0.6.4 2016-11-08

Bug fixes

ggrepel 0.6.3 2016-10-14

CRAN release: 2016-10-20


  • Use point.padding=NA to ignore data points in repulsion calculations.

ggrepel 0.6.2 2016-10-06

Bug fixes


ggrepel 0.6.1 2016-10-04


  • Tweak repel_boxes.cpp. Dampen forces to tune how the labels move. The result looks better, at least for the examples in the vignette.

ggrepel 0.6.0 2016-10-03


  • Do not draw labels with empty strings. When a label is an empty string, the text will not be shown, the segment will not be drawn, but the corresponding data point will repel other labels. See issue 51.

ggrepel 0.5.1 2016-02-22

  • Optimize C++ code further by reducing number of calls to rnorm().

ggrepel 0.5 2016-02-08

CRAN release: 2016-02-08

  • First push to CRAN.

ggrepel 0.4.6 2016-02-07


  • Tweak point.padding so that users can configure how far labels are pushed away from data points.

ggrepel 0.4.5 2016-02-06


  • Optimize C++ code for a 2.5X speed improvment.

  • Delete unnecessary .Rd files.

ggrepel 0.4.4 2016-02-05


  • Fix the bug when the line segment from the data point points to the origin at (0,0) instead of the text label.


  • Automatically recompute repulsion between labels after resizing the plot.

ggrepel 0.4.3 2016-01-18


  • Change distance between segment and label in geom_label_repel(). Now there is no gap between the end of the segment and the label border.

ggrepel 0.4.2 2016-01-15


  • Fix spring_force() so that it never returns NaN.


  • Add nudge_x and nudge_y to better control positioning of labels.

ggrepel 0.4.1 2016-01-13


  • Add arrow parameter to allow plotting arrows that point to the labeled data points rather than plain line segments.

  • Always draw segments, even if the labeled point is very close to the label.


  • Fix point.padding so that horizontal and vertical padding is calculated correctly.

  • Tweak forces to improve layout near borders and in crowded areas.

ggrepel 0.4 2016-01-12

CRAN release: 2016-01-12

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue 7. Labels can now be placed anywhere in the plotting area instead of being limited to the x and y ranges of their corresponding data points.
  • Fix DESCRIPTION to require ggplot2 >= 2.0.0


  • Add new parameter point.padding to add padding around the labeled points. The line segment will stop before reaching the coordinates of the point. The text labels are also now padded from the line segment to improve legibility.

  • Add volcano plot to the vignette usage examples.

  • Add Travis continuous integration to test against R-devel, R-release, and R-oldrel.

  • Dampen repulsion force to slightly improve algorithm efficiency.

  • Move intersect_line_rectangle() to src/repel_boxes.cpp.

ggrepel 0.3 2016-01-08

CRAN release: 2016-01-09


  • Remove unused imports: colorspace.

  • Update NAMESPACE with new version of roxygen.

  • Use spring force to attract each label to its own point.

  • Change default maximum iterations from 10,000 to 2000.

  • Update man pages.

  • Remove unused code.

ggrepel 0.2.0 2016-01-07


  • Update geom_text_repel() and geom_label_repel().

    • Change label.padding to box.padding.

    • Remove unsupported parameters:

      • position
      • nudge_x
      • nudge_y
      • hjust
      • vjust
  • Remove unused imports.


  • Add roxygen docs to all functions.

ggrepel 0.1.0 2016-01-05


  • Add geom_label_repel().

  • Add fudge width to help with legends.

  • Add expand=TRUE to allow text to be placed in the expanded plot area.

  • Add man/ folder.

  • Add links to ggplot2 docs in vignette.

  • Add unused R implementation of repel_boxes(), just for your reference.

ggrepel 0.0.1 2016-01-04

  • Initial release to github.